Flytning til Danmark

Her kan du læse om, hvad du skal gøre, hvis du skal melde flytning til Danmark.

Danske arbejdsgivere

Hvis du har rekrutteret udenlandsk arbejdskraft, skal de registreres ved ICS (pr. 01.01.2022 gøres dette ikke længere i bopælskommune). For at anmelde indrejse skal de møde op i International Citizen Service i Odense. Husk, der skal bestilles tid.


ICS provides newly arrived workers staying for more than three months with seamless authority registrations. 

It is mandatory to book an appointment before visiting ICS South. Therefore, please read the instruction here carefully and book an appointment that suits your purpose to visit ICS.

Personligt fremmøde

Hvis du har boet i udlandet og flytter til Danmark, skal du møde personligt op i Borgerservice for at anmelde indrejse.

Du skal bestille tid i forvejen. Bestil din tid her.

Du skal medbringe dit pas. Hvis du ikke er nordisk statsborger, skal du medbringe en gyldig opholdstilladelse.

Foreign nationals

Foreign nationals must appear in person at Borgerservice to report entry.

You must book an appointment in advance. Book your appointment here.

You must bring your valid passport or identification card and a residence permit.

If you are an EU/EEA citizen, you can apply for a residence permit with the Danish Agency for International Recruitment and Integration (SIRI).
If you are a citizen of countries outside the EU/EEA, you must apply for a residence permit at the Danish Immigration Service. See more at

Important registration documents

If you are married, you must bring a marriage certificate.
If you register entry with or for children, you must bring a birth certificate stating parenthood.

Nordic Citizens

If you are a citizen of a nordic country, you can register entry without a residence permit. You must bring your passport or identificationcard.

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Har du spørgsmål til flytning til Danmark?

Torvet 1 - 5800 Nyborg

Åbnings- og telefontider

Danske arbejdsgivere

Hvis du har rekrutteret udenlandsk arbejdskraft, skal de registreres ved ICS (pr. 01.01.2022 gøres dette ikke længere i bopælskommune). For at anmelde indrejse skal de møde op i International Citizen Service i Odense. Husk der skal bestilles tid.


ICS provides newly arrived workers staying for more than three months with seamless authority registrations.
It is mandatory to book an appointment before visiting ICS South. Therefore, please read the instruction here carefully and book an appointment that suits your purpose to visit ICS
Personligt fremmøde:
Hvis du har boet i udlandet og flytter til Danmark, skal du møde personligt op i Borgerservice for at anmelde indrejse. Du skal medbringe dit pas. Hvis du ikke er nordisk statsborger, skal du medbringe en gyldig opholdstilladelse. Du skal bestille tid i forvejen

Foreign nationals

Foreign nationals must appear in person at Borgerservice to report entry. You must book an appointment in advance. You must bring your valid passport or identification card and a residence permit.
If you are an EU/EEA citizen, you can apply for a residence permit with the Danish Agency for International Recruitment and Integration (SIRI).
If you are a citizen of countries outside the EU/EEA, you must apply for a residence permit at the Danish Immigration Service. See more at

Important registration documents

If you are married, you must bring a marriage certificate.
If you register entry with or for children, you must bring a birth certificate stating parenthood.

Nordic Citizens

If you are a citizen of a nordic country, you can register entry without a residence permit. You must bring your passport or identificationcard.